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What does it take to put the past behind you, and can you recover your military career after a DUI?


I had a client not long ago who was in the military but was on leave. He came home and went out drinking with his friends to get back some normalcy in his life and ended up getting a DUI. It was pretty severe. An extreme DUI. If you’re in the military it makes everything more serious and more severe. Also, it could be grounds for termination without retirement benefits. We’ve heard horror stories like that, where any sort of misdemeanor could lead to a dishonorable discharge and the end of your military career.


What we can do for your Military Career after a DUI

I take this kind of thing very seriously. My team and I were there for him through every step of his process. My client and I were able to work with the military Tribunal throughout their disciplinary process. We were able to make sure that my client’s rights were represented. Not only on base but within the State of Arizona. My team and I were able to oversee every facet of the case. I needed to establish the case and make sure that my client could move on from his mistake and continue on in the military.

If you find yourself in a situation like his, I want you to know that there is hope. Our client’s biggest priority was saving his military career. We were able to do that. It was his #1 priority. He loves serving his country, he made a mistake and he admitted to that mistake and was able to work past it. The Tribunal worked with us, and he was given consequences that he had to meet. Now he has been able to make his restitution and get his life back on track.

Since this happened, our client has received treatment, counseling, and the help he needed to prove his commitment and regain the trust of his superiors. As a result of this, he is now in a position to help other individuals in the military who find themselves in similar situations. He’s a great example of a soldier who made a bad decision, got sidelined, owned his mistake, and worked through it to get back on track.

If you are in a situation like this, whether you’re in the military or any other industry where you could lose your livelihood because of driving under the influence, give us a call. At Legal Umbrella, we are more than happy and more than capable to do that.

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