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Fighting an Insurance Company in a whiplash Lawsuit Settlement

Regardless of who was responsible for your car accident, you pay an insurance company every month to protect you against any number of potential dangers and the last thing you want to deal with is fighting an insurance company in a whiplash lawsuit settlement.

One of the most jarring experiences after a car accident is realizing that the company you’ve been paying every month to help you after an emergency, doesn’t intend to use it to help you after your emergency.

Part of the problem is that insurance companies are businesses that only make money for their staff and investors if they bring in more money than they payout. That is how businesses work and we understand that. The other problem is that your injuries are generally undervalued. The most common injury from any collision is whiplash, and because it’s common it’s taken for granted that you will have it and it will go away on its own. It won’t.

Whiplash is more serious than people realize. It’s not just strained muscles, it can include head trauma and serious damage to your nervous system as well as strained and strained muscles in your neck. All of these individually will make life uncomfortable, any combination of them will make life miserable. 

  • Do you work at a computer? 
  • Do you use a cell phone? 
  • Do you turn your head from time to time during the day? 

If you have whiplash, every slight movement will cause discomfort or possibly agony. It can make it almost impossible to work even a desk job and actually impossible to do physical labor, but the insurance company responsible for covering your medical expenses wants to send you off with a neck brace and some over-the-counter pain reliever. 

Without an attorney, it will be impossible to get the settlement you need to cover your medical bills, treatment, medication, and possible surgeries you will need to get your life back to normal.

Contact Legal Umbrella today to get the settlement you need from your whiplash lawsuit settlement.

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